Metalsmith 2.6 released
Power to the metalsmith CLI, new method & metalsmith.matter member.
Core plugin updates, new docs and a homepage revamp
Dual ESM/CJS bundling, Typescript support and centralized metalsmith.debug logging for core plugins. New and more extensive docs are being written and the homepage body got a full revamp featuring a starters and showcase section.
Metalsmith 2.5 released
New metalsmith.env & metalsmith.debug methods. All methods now return promises, and a lot of outdated dependencies have been dropped.
Ecosystem updates 2022 Q1
Metalsmith has seen steady growth, new core & community plugins, new starter repo's, and a new co-maintainer. The @metalsmith org migration is almost completely done and release 2.5 is approaching!
Metalsmith 2.4 released
A new metalsmith.match pattern-matching method, awaitable builds, advanced front-matter option and lots of bugfixes
Metalsmith is back!
After 5 years in maintenance-mode, Metalsmith.js has changed hands and is actively developed again. Core plugins moved to the Github & NPM metalsmith orgs, and a lot more changes.